1:1 | 2:1

Tailored programming specific to a clients individual needs whether you are beginner or a professional athlete. We offer both 1-on-1 and 2-on-1 sessions to cater for those who are looking to train solo with a coach or train with a friend or partner.


We focus on fundamental lifts and movement patterns that build strength and improve conditioning using barbells, dumbbells and free weights.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not for beginners in strength training. If you are unfamiliar with the use of a barbell, dumbbells and the compound movements associated with both pieces of equipment – you must complete a series of personal training session before taking this class to become proficient.


Compound kettlebell and bodyweight conditioning focused movements that will improve your core strength and overall conditioning. Form focused allowing each member to work at their own pace.


The InBody Scan provides a comprehensive and accurate view of body composition balance, including body weight, skeletal muscle mass, body fat, body water, and segmental lean mass analysis. 


If you are not measuring, you’re guessing.
Our state of the art performance testing system allows us to gather critical information on physical gaps that may lead to issues on your fitness and health journey. 
We use the metrics gathered as baseline data to guide individualized programming for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are looking to take their training to the next level.

Our testing equipment is based around the integration of the entire suite of VALD performance products including the Force Frame, Force Decks and Nordbord.